From an early age, Caroline Donica has enjoyed writing. Recently, Caroline's play The Interim won first place with the Georgia Theatre Conference and received a play lab and staged reading. Caroline wrote and produced the webseries A Whole Lotta Nothin', Time to be Shrewd, Training for a Cue, and Side Character Shakespeare with Innerversity Productions. She won first place two years consecutively in the SCAD Talent Show with her slam poetry pieces The Aftermath and Audition to be Me. Her one act play The Room of Broken Glass was produced by GradLab at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Her concepts have been featured with Artists AF (All Female) in the silent short film I Do as well as two music cover videos. Her play Chekhov's Gun was produced by Artist AF in their first 10 Minute Play Festival This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things. Caroline has won six 10-minute play contests at ArtsView Children's Theatre, and her winning scripts have been performed at ArtsView in either You Design It academies or Original Works camps. At East Texas Baptist University, she took a scriptwriting class and helped to write, produce, and direct Big Guy Ballerina Improv Troupe. Additionally, Caroline placed second in the Era Miller Poetry Contest with A Series of Satirical Haikus.
*Selections of Caroline's poetry, plays, and screeplays can be read upon request.